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Additional Services

Nine Essential Skills for the Love and Logic Classroom for educators

Love and Logic's® "low stress classrooms" techniques are designed to create effective learning environments for students, and make teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and exhausting. Nine easy-to-follow modules that will transform the way you teach and run your classroom.


Parent Coaching

Parent coaching can be invaluable. Whether you need some immediate support for a specific issue, long-term accountability and help, or a “tune-up,” from the class topics, I am here for you. I can offer you strategies and tips that address your specific situations, and together we can adjust the approach as needed. As your parent coach, I help you to see how far you’ve come, affirm your efforts, evaluate your progress, and offer suggestions to increase your effectiveness.


Parent coaching can take place in person, via Skype, or by phone. The cost is $25/half hour or $45/hour.


Private Parenting the Love and Logic Way®. classes

Parents who travel frequently or have busy schedules can benefit from this convenient, personalized way to learn Love and Logic®


Beyond the convenience of attending in the comfort in your own home, we schedule classes that work with your time constraints. You have the additional benefits of individualized coaching as we discuss how the tools, strategies and skills fit your unique family. We can take as much time as we like on the tricky situations and move quickly past those that don't apply. Cost: $120/session plus travel expenses (if applicable)

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